3rdIrene Delahunty
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Division ibex_17 - Game: 2024-05-24 #88758 Pembroke BC Open Duplicate PDF converter         PDF converter

Rank Player Player1 Pct Score MP2
 1st   Macsue   Snosrapt 72.78 0 1.20
 2nd   Grshew   Tranmerer 61.11 0 0.84
 3rd   Irene Delahunty   Tonycooks 60.56 0 0.51
 4th   Greymeg   Thomasg84 60.56 0 0.51
 5th   Storeton   Touey 54.44 0 0.24
 6th   Bob Mckay   Frances Williams 46.11 0  
 7th   Cindy Middleton   Gareth Jones 45.56 0  
 8th   Aileen Neilan   Martin Neilan 43.33 0  
 9th   Carmel Wiseman   Peter Oeppen 42.78 0  
 10th   Chissett   Tigered 39.44 0  
 11th   Derek Earle   Irene Warlow 36.67 0  
 12th   Kath Brown   Partyman25 36.67 0  

class=host-ibex_17-type-pairs-http://webutil.bridgebase.com/v2/tview.php?t=88758-1716573619 uploaded in 0 secs Uploaded on 2024-05-24 22:30:50 - CardsFile= - RankFile=#88758 Pembroke BC Open Duplicate - BWSFile=tourney=88758-1716573619-&offset=0

PairRecaps ( Open )ABCScore % mps
1macsue - snosrapt            072.781.20
2GRSheW - TranmereR            061.110.84
3Irene Delahunty - Tonycooks            060.560.51
4greymeg - thomasg84            060.560.51
5Storeton - touey            054.440.24
6Bob Mckay - Frances Williams            046.11
7Cindy Middleton - Gareth Jones            045.56
8Aileen Neilan - Martin Neilan            043.33
9Carmel Wiseman - Peter Oeppen            042.78
10Chissett - Tigered            039.44
11Derek Earle - Irene Warlow            036.67
12Kath Brown - Partyman25            036.67