1stpoppy 22
2nd0 41 ustad
Susan Biggin
3rdBob Alderdice
Ian Grove
   Hands/Analysis   view all photos   Matrix RANK (MP by Board)    (click on player rank to see the players`s score)

Division ibex_17 - Game: 2024-10-18 #38267 Pembroke BC Open Duplicate PDF converter         PDF converter

Rank Player Player1 Pct Score MP2
 1st   Poppy 22   Tigered 64.24 0 0.90
 2nd   0 41 Ustad   Susan Biggin 62.15 0 0.90
 3rd   Bob Alderdice   Ian Grove 61.46 0 0.63
 4th   Chissett   Ybont 56.94 0 0.63
 5th   Morag Ridley   Rani Sinnak 55.21 0 0.45
 6th   Ian Haston   Julie Milewski 53.82 0 0.32
 7th   Cindy Middleton   Gareth Jones 53.47 0 0.38
 8th   Johnwayne7   Tonycooks 53.47 0 0.38
 9th   Artro43   Linda342 52.43 0  
 10th   Aileen Neilan   Martin Neilan 51.74 0  
 11th   Kay Clement   Steve Burgoyne 47.92 0  
 12th   Macsue   Snosrapt 47.92 0  
 13th   Anne-marie Pagett   Pam Evans 47.57 0  
 14th   Advanced Robot   Robot2 45.49 0  
 15th   Bob Mckay   Frances Williams 40.97 0  
 16th   Grshew   U3ajosie 35.42 0  
 17th   Storeton   Touey 35.07 0  
 18th   Kath Brown   Partyman25 34.72 0  

class=host-ibex_17-type-pairs-http://webutil.bridgebase.com/v2/tview.php?t=38267-1729274449 uploaded in 0 secs Uploaded on 2024-10-18 22:31:21 - CardsFile= - RankFile=#38267 Pembroke BC Open Duplicate - BWSFile=tourney=38267-1729274449-&offset=0

PairRecaps ( Open - NS )ABCScore % mps
10 41 ustad - Susan Biggin            062.150.90
2Bob Alderdice - Ian Grove            061.460.63
3Morag Ridley - Rani Sinnak            055.210.45
4Ian Haston - Julie Milewski            053.820.32
5Aileen Neilan - Martin Neilan            051.74
6Kay Clement - Steve Burgoyne            047.92
7Anne-Marie Pagett - Pam Evans            047.57
8GRSheW - U3AJosie            035.42
9Kath Brown - partyman25            034.72

PairRecaps ( Open - EW )ABCScore % mps
1poppy 22 - tigered            064.240.90
2Chissett - YBont            056.940.63
3Cindy Middleton - Gareth Jones            053.470.38
4JohnWayne7 - tonycooks            053.470.38
5Artro43 - linda342            052.43
6macsue - snosrapt            047.92
7Advanced Robot - Robot2            045.49
8Bob Mckay - Frances Williams            040.97
9Storeton - touey            035.07