Hands/Analysis   first 3 photos    Matrix RANK (MP by Board)    (click on player rank to see the players`s score)

Game: 2023-06-14 #48696 Pembroke Bridge Club Duplicate PDF converter         PDF converter

Rank Player Player1 Pct Score MP2
 1st   Aileen Neilan
  Martin Neilan
61.11 0 1.00
 2nd   Advanced Robot
56.94 0 0.70
 3rd   Frances Williams
  Matt Greener
55.56 0 0.50
 4th   Ian Haston
54.17 0 0.35
 5th   Irene Delahunty
  Julie Milewski
53.47 0  
 6th   13gemini
  Vida Halford
52.78 0  
 7th   Cindy Middleton
50 0  
 8th   Jstabler
45.83 0  
 9th   Kath Brown
38.89 0  
 10th   Carmel Wiseman
  Peter Oeppen
31.25 0  

class=host-ibex_17-type-pairs-http://webutil.bridgebase.com/v2/tview.php?t=48696-1686766270 uploaded in 0 secs Uploaded on 2023-06-14 22:32:11 - CardsFile= - RankFile=#48696 Pembroke Bridge Club Duplicate - BWSFile=tourney=48696-1686766270-&offset=0

PairRecaps ( Club )ABCScore % mps
1Aileen Neilan - Martin Neilan            061.111.00
2Advanced Robot - Huw            056.940.70
3Frances Williams - Matt Greener            055.560.50
4Ian Haston - TonyCooks            054.170.35
5Irene Delahunty - Julie Milewski            053.47
613Gemini - Vida Halford            052.78
7Cindy Middleton - JohnWayne7            050
8JStabler - LinWhite            045.83
9Kath Brown - Partyman25            038.89
10Carmel Wiseman - Peter Oeppen            031.25