Hands/Analysis   first 3 photos    Matrix RANK (MP by Board)    (click on player rank to see the players`s score)

Game: 2023-11-13 #34736 Lancashire Online LOP Open Pairs PDF converter         PDF converter

Rank Player Player1 Pct Score MP2
 1st   Ian Edwards
  Veronica Petrie
57.94 0 1.50
 2nd   Glenn Oliver
  Raj Subramaniam
56.75 0 1.05
 3rd   Angus Kirby
  Stuart Challinor
56.35 0 0.64
 4th   Bjap
  Steve Gregson
56.35 0 0.64
 5th   John Roberts
  Rosanna Roberts
55.56 0 0.30
 6th   Alan Frost
  Chris Pickup
55.16 0 0.25
 7th   Mary Finch
  Paul Evans
53.57 0  
 8th   Paul2589
53.17 0  
 9th   Deb Fairweather
  Linda Hitchen
52.38 0  
 10th   Andrew Petrie
  Bill Alston
50.79 0  
 11th   Neil Draper
  Terry Fleetwood
47.62 0  
 12th   Ian Hitchen
  Terry Potter
47.62 0  
 13th   Kathytee
45.63 0  
 14th   Arthur Southwood
  David Quick
37.7 0  
 15th   Cath Ashworth
  Heather Carr
37.3 0  
 16th   Jane Jones
  Joan Cann
36.11 0  

class=host-ibex_25-type-pairs-http://webutil.bridgebase.com/v2/tview.php?t=34736-1699902055 uploaded in 0 secs Uploaded on 2023-11-13 23:01:48 - CardsFile= - RankFile=#34736 Lancashire Online LOP Open Pairs - BWSFile=tourney=34736-1699902055-&offset=0

PairRecaps ( Open )ABCScore % mps
1Ian Edwards - Veronica Petrie            057.941.50
2Glenn Oliver - Raj Subramaniam            056.751.05
3Angus Kirby - Stuart Challinor            056.350.64
4bjap - Steve Gregson            056.350.64
5John Roberts - Rosanna Roberts            055.560.30
6Alan Frost - Chris Pickup            055.160.25
7Mary Finch - Paul Evans            053.57
8paul2589 - trevor1of1            053.17
9Deb Fairweather - Linda Hitchen            052.38
10Andrew Petrie - Bill Alston            050.79
11Neil Draper - Terry Fleetwood            047.62
12Ian Hitchen - Terry Potter            047.62
13KathyTEE - Silversyd1            045.63
14Arthur Southwood - David Quick            037.7
15Cath Ashworth - Heather Carr            037.3
16Jane Jones - Joan Cann            036.11