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Game: 2023-11-24 #23669 Lancashire LOP Restricted - NGS PDF converter         PDF converter

Rank Player Player1 Pct Score MP2
 1st   Andrew Cafferky
  Cilla Prescott
59.92 0 1.50
 2nd   Advanced Robot
55.95 0 1.05
 3rd   Deb Fairweather
  Linda Hitchen
55.56 0 0.75
 4th   Jbanks234
55.16 0 0.52
 5th   Arthur Southwood
  Melba Southwood
54.76 0 0.28
 6th   Michael Tattersall
  Sheila Fisher
54.76 0 0.28
 7th   Brian Frew
  Jack Lowe
49.6 0  
 8th   Christine Makinson
  David Reilly
48.81 0  
 9th   David Harris
  Joyce Butterfield
48.41 0  
 10th   Alan Russell
  Ian Gibson
47.22 0  
 11th   John Pingree
  Ralph Jones
47.22 0  
 12th   Paul2589
46.83 0  
 13th   Quentin Jefferies
  Sheila Jefferies
44.44 0  
 14th   Barbara Henderson
  Clive Henderson
44.44 0  
 15th   Joan Cann
  Joyce Truffas
43.65 0  
 16th   Alan Talbot
  Roy Goddard
43.25 0  

class=host-ibex_25-type-pairs-http://webutil.bridgebase.com/v2/tview.php?t=23669-1700834550 uploaded in 0 secs Uploaded on 2023-11-24 18:01:01 - CardsFile= - RankFile=#23669 Lancashire LOP Restricted - NGS 10 & - BWSFile=tourney=23669-1700834550-&offset=0

PairRecaps ( NGS )ABCScore % mps
1Andrew Cafferky - Cilla Prescott            059.921.50
2Advanced Robot - arturix            055.951.05
3Deb Fairweather - Linda Hitchen            055.560.75
4jbanks234 - mojo69d            055.160.52
5Arthur Southwood - Melba Southwood            054.760.28
6Michael Tattersall - Sheila Fisher            054.760.28
7Brian Frew - Jack Lowe            049.6
8Christine Makinson - David Reilly            048.81
9David Harris - Joyce Butterfield            048.41
10Alan Russell - Ian Gibson            047.22
11John Pingree - Ralph Jones            047.22
12Paul2589 - Trevor1of1            046.83
13Quentin Jefferies - Sheila Jefferies            044.44
14Barbara Henderson - Clive Henderson            044.44
15Joan Cann - Joyce Truffas            043.65
16Alan Talbot - Roy Goddard            043.25