Hands/Analysis   first 3 photos    Matrix RANK (MP by Board)    (click on player rank to see the players`s score)

Game: 2024-02-17 #7316 Mid Essex Firstclass Bridge Dupli PDF converter         PDF converter

Rank Player Player1 Pct Score MP2
 1st   Bob Blower
  Penny Blower
65.28 0 1.40
 2nd   Chris Mckenna
61.11 0 0.98
 3rd   Fourdogs52
60.42 0 0.70
 4th   Sue Smith
  Vivien Dyson
54.17 0 0.49
 5th   Albert Kitchin
  Mike Harbour
52.78 0 0.28
 6th   Maureen Killey
  Monica Watters
50.69 0 0.23
 7th   Ekersmj
  Jim Brooking
50 0  
 8th   Mary Perkin
  Michael Wren
49.65 0  
 9th   Freda Brown
  Renee Flanagan
49.65 0  
 10th   Barbara Smith
  Tony Schutz
47.57 0  
 11th   Advanced Robot
  Ann Morgan
44.79 0  
 12th   John Goodwin
  John Shade
44.1 0  
 13th   Advanced Robot
  Jo Voak
36.11 0  
 14th   Lizzie Keane
  Sulan Goodwin
33.68 0  

class=host-ibex_5-type-pairs-http://webutil.bridgebase.com/v2/tview.php?t=7316-1708162492 uploaded in 1 secs Uploaded on 2024-02-17 13:30:55 - CardsFile= - RankFile=#7316 Mid Essex Firstclass Bridge Duplicate - BWSFile=tourney=7316-1708162492-&offset=0

PairRecaps ( Bridge )ABCScore % mps
1Bob Blower - Penny Blower            065.281.40
2Chris Mckenna - wander888            061.110.98
3FOURDOGS52 - House4250t            060.420.70
4Sue Smith - Vivien Dyson            054.170.49
5Albert Kitchin - Mike Harbour            052.780.28
6Maureen Killey - Monica Watters            050.690.23
7Ekersmj - Jim Brooking            050
8Mary Perkin - Michael Wren            049.65
9Freda Brown - Renee Flanagan            049.65
10Barbara Smith - Tony Schutz            047.57
11Advanced Robot - Ann Morgan            044.79
12John Goodwin - John Shade            044.1
13Advanced Robot - Jo Voak            036.11
14Lizzie Keane - Sulan Goodwin            033.68