1stLinda Hitchen
Wynn Sutherland
2ndAndrew Holborn
Peter Richmond
3rdJohn Brearley
Judy Brearley
   Hands/Analysis   view all photos   Normal RANK    (click on player rank to see the players`s score)

Division ibex_25 - Game: 2023-01-11 #10922 Lancashire LOP Restricted - NGS PDF converter         PDF converter

Rank Player Player1 Score MP2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
 1st   Linda Hitchen   Wynn Sutherland 65.74 0.80 66.7 33.3 16.7 66.7 83.3 66.7 50 66.7 100 33.3 100 100 16.7 83.3 33.3 83.3 100 83.3
 2nd   Andrew Holborn   Peter Richmond 62.96 0.56 33.3 100 100 33.3 83.3 100 50 100 100 33.3 100 83.3 83.3 16.7 66.7 0 33.3 16.7
 3rd   John Brearley   Judy Brearley 54.63 0.40 100 33.3 66.7 0 16.7 100 50 33.3 50 0 50 83.3 33.3 16.7 100 100 66.7 83.3
 4th   Anthony Hedley   Terry Potter 49.07   33.3 66.7 83.3 66.7 83.3 33.3 50 0 0 100 50 16.7 83.3 66.7 16.7 16.7 100 16.7
 5th   Arthur Southwood   Melba Southwood 45.37   0 66.7 33.3 33.3 16.7 33.3 50 100 50 0 50 66.7 16.7 33.3 83.3 66.7 33.3 83.3
 6th   Alokvig   Cascarilla 44.44     66.7 83.3 33.3 16.7 66.7 50 33.3 0 66.7 0 16.7 66.7 83.3 0 33.3 66.7 16.7
 7th   Advanced Robot   Ray Emanuel 42.59   66.7 0 0 100 83.3 0 50 0 50 66.7 0 0 100 0 83.3 83.3 0 83.3
 8th   Cath Ashworth   Judith Jury 35.19   0 33.3 16.7 66.7 16.7 0 50 66.7 50 100 50 33.3 0 100 16.7 16.7 0 16.7

class=host-ibex_25-type-pairs-http://webutil.bridgebase.com/v2/tview.php?t=10922-1673445583 uploaded in 1 secs Uploaded on 2023-01-11 18:00:40 - CardsFile= - RankFile=#10922 Lancashire LOP Restricted - NGS 10 & - BWSFile=tourney=10922-1673445583-&offset=0

PairRecaps ( NGS )ABCScore % mps
Linda Hitchen - Wynn Sutherland            65.740.80
Andrew Holborn - Peter Richmond            62.960.56
John Brearley - Judy Brearley            54.630.40
Anthony Hedley - Terry Potter            49.07
Arthur Southwood - Melba Southwood            45.37
alokvig - cascarilla            44.44
Advanced Robot - Ray Emanuel            42.59
Cath Ashworth - Judith Jury            35.19