1stAdvanced Robot
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Division ibex_22 - Game: 2023-06-04 #49593 Pairs MEDITERRANEO PDF converter         PDF converter

Rank Player Player1 Score MP2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
 1st   Advanced Robot   Oeycsu 66.86 1.20 68.2 4.6 100 63.6 86.4 45.5 54.5 100 81.8 95.4 95.4 63.6 50 100 54.5 72.7 81.8 90.9 0 95.4 4.6 40.9 81.8 72.7
 2nd   Feucha   Nemiera 61.93 0.84 22.7 68.2 68.2 95.4 27.3 45.5 81.8 68.2 0 36.4 59.1 27.3 50 86.4 54.5 63.6 81.8 90.9 100 95.4 100 13.6 100 50
 3rd   Fruits00   Llttbb 58.71 1.20 77.3 95.4 90.9 4.6 72.7 54.5 18.2 100 18.2 63.6 40.9 36.4 50 81.8 77.3 4.6 18.2 100 100 4.6 95.4 27.3 95.4 81.8
 4th   Carmela135   Masarik 56.82 0.60 68.2 95.4 68.2 31.8 27.3 100 81.8 90.9 31.8 36.4 59.1 63.6 50 0 22.7 50 81.8 54.5 63.6 40.9 4.6 100 40.9 100
 5th   Advanced Robot   Top Gun 60 55.87 0.84 31.8 31.8 100 36.4 45.5 100 18.2 31.8 100 95.4 81.8 36.4 50 100 77.3 72.7 54.5 68.2 18.2 59.1 27.3 59.1 18.2 27.3
 6th   Madriles   Mcsador 54.36 0.60 100 31.8 31.8 90.9 95.4 54.5 45.5 0 18.2 27.3 40.9 100 90.9 13.6 13.6 72.7 86.4 68.2 59.1 59.1 27.3 9.1 95.4 72.7
 7th   Emparav   Pasibolina 53.22 0.42 31.8 4.6 81.8 100 45.5 54.5 63.6 77.3 68.2 63.6 40.9 72.7 90.9 54.5 0 50 18.2 45.5 45.5 59.1 68.2 59.1 31.8 50
 8th   Baruj2   Olgami 52.84 0.42 68.2 31.8 68.2 63.6 100 45.5 0 50 31.8 72.7 18.2 63.6 9.1 86.4 86.4 81.8 81.8 9.1 81.8 40.9 72.7 13.6 90.9 0
 9th   Divax   Salome3 52.27 0.24 68.2 95.4 18.2 31.8 54.5 45.5 36.4 50 31.8 95.4 95.4 100 95.4 9.1 54.5 50 45.5 31.8 40.9 40.9 72.7 0 40.9 50
 10th   Advanced Robot   Barna58 51.7 0.24 31.8 31.8 31.8 68.2 72.7 0 81.8 90.9 68.2 63.6 81.8 72.7 50 0 45.5 90.9 86.4 68.2 18.2 59.1 27.3 27.3 59.1 13.6
 11th   Anuska65   Mati 1900 50.57   31.8 68.2 31.8 18.2 95.4 54.5 63.6 50 68.2 95.4 40.9 36.4 90.9 72.7 63.6 36.4 18.2 9.1 81.8 59.1 68.2 0 59.1 0
 12th   Ana82   Teremu 50.19   90.9 68.2 68.2 68.2 45.5 54.5 90.9 63.6 18.2 27.3 40.9 9.1 50 13.6 45.5 72.7 54.5 9.1 36.4 59.1 95.4 27.3 81.8 13.6
 13th   Franki2013   Oli1 49.81     95.4 0 68.2 13.6 9.1 100 50 68.2 63.6 100 90.9 4.6 90.9 45.5 4.6 86.4 31.8 18.2 59.1 27.3 86.4 0 50
 14th   Mariacinta   Susana531 47.73   31.8 4.6 31.8 4.6 72.7 54.5 63.6 77.3 18.2 4.6 4.6 36.4 50 54.5 90.9 18.2 18.2 90.9 81.8 59.1 68.2 100 59.1 50
 15th   2wisky   Annadoro 47.54   77.3 31.8 31.8 68.2 27.3 54.5 18.2 9.1 68.2 63.6 40.9 72.7 50 31.8 100 27.3 18.2 9.1 59.1 59.1 27.3 86.4 9.1 100
 16th   Despujol   Juajua1 46.02   68.2 68.2 68.2 31.8 72.7 45.5 81.8 0 81.8 4.6 18.2 63.6 9.1 45.5 100 27.3 45.5 90.9 18.2 40.9 31.8 40.9 40.9 9.1
 17th   Argimon   Popochera 45.83   68.2 18.2 68.2 31.8 86.4 90.9 81.8 81.8 31.8 72.7 59.1 0 50 45.5 9.1 9.1 13.6 31.8 40.9 40.9 72.7 72.7 4.6 18.2
 18th   Jordimd9   Maituca1 45.64   68.2 68.2 0 0 54.5 45.5 9.1 36.4 81.8 4.6 59.1 63.6 81.8 45.5 86.4 95.4 13.6 68.2 18.2 40.9 31.8 90.9 4.6 27.3
 19th   Lumbroso3   Telmo2000 45.64   31.8 54.5 68.2 36.4 13.6 54.5 18.2 18.2 68.2 27.3 81.8 36.4 4.6 31.8 27.3 50 54.5 68.2 81.8 59.1 68.2 59.1 31.8 50
 20th   Alpacina   Canena 45.08   9.1 31.8 31.8 81.8 4.6 45.5 81.8 68.2 81.8 36.4 0 9.1 95.4 68.2 72.7 27.3 13.6 31.8 18.2 40.9 31.8 72.7 40.9 86.4
 21st   Bdarleo   Carmen6442 44.89   68.2 45.5 31.8 9.1 4.6 45.5 36.4 22.7 81.8 36.4 18.2 27.3 50 68.2 0 95.4 81.8 0 81.8 40.9 72.7 40.9 68.2 50
 22nd   Matoma   Maychon 41.1   0 68.2 68.2 95.4 27.3 45.5 18.2 9.1 31.8 36.4 59.1 27.3 50 18.2 22.7 27.3 45.5 31.8 54.5 40.9 31.8 72.7 18.2 86.4
 23rd   Anagonz   Flor Rubi 40.72   22.7 4.6 9.1 63.6 54.5 0 36.4 22.7 31.8 72.7 59.1 90.9 9.1 27.3 36.4 0 13.6 68.2 81.8 40.9 72.7 40.9 68.2 50
 24th   Advanced Robot   Marcan11 34.66   31.8 81.8 31.8 36.4 0 54.5 18.2 31.8 18.2 4.6 4.6 0 18.2 54.5 13.6 100 86.4 31.8 0 4.6 0 59.1 59.1 90.9

class=host-ibex_22-type-pairs-http://webutil.bridgebase.com/v2/tview.php?t=49593-1685891036 uploaded in 1 secs Uploaded on 2023-06-04 20:08:49 - CardsFile= - RankFile=#49593 Pairs MEDITERRANEO - BWSFile=tourney=49593-1685891036-&offset=0

PairRecaps ( Pairs )ABCScore % mps
Advanced Robot - oeycsu            66.861.20
feucha - nemiera            61.930.84
Fruits00 - llttbb            58.711.20
carmela135 - masarik            56.820.60
Advanced Robot - top gun 60            55.870.84
madriles - mcsador            54.360.60
emparav - pasibolina            53.220.42
Baruj2 - olgami            52.840.42
divax - salome3            52.270.24
Advanced Robot - barna58            51.70.24
anuska65 - Mati 1900            50.57
Ana82 - teremu            50.19
Franki2013 - oli1            49.81
mariacinta - SUSANA531            47.73
2wisky - annadoro            47.54
despujol - juajua1            46.02
argimon - popochera            45.83
jordimd9 - maituca1            45.64
lumbroso3 - telmo2000            45.64
alpacina - canena            45.08
bdarleo - Carmen6442            44.89
matoma - maychon            41.1
anagonz - Flor rubi            40.72
Advanced Robot - marcan11            34.66