1stAileen Neilan
Martin Neilan
2ndMike Baker
Peter Milewski
   Hands/Analysis   view all photos   Normal RANK    (click on player rank to see the players`s score)

Division ibex_17 - Game: 2023-06-30 #55160 Pembroke BC Open Duplicate PDF converter         PDF converter

Rank Player Player1 Score MP2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
 1st   Aileen Neilan   Martin Neilan 57.44 0.90 87.5 75 56.2 87.5 18.8 93.8 93.8 0 18.8 68.8 0 31.2 93.8 43.8 100 87.5 25 93.8 12.5 68.8 50
 2nd   Mike Baker   Peter Milewski 57.14 0.90 68.8 50 100 100 81.2 81.2 43.8 25 25 62.5 75 31.2 87.5 25 56.2 68.8 12.5 37.5 87.5 31.2 50
 3rd   Grmikel   Okbetsy 56.25 0.63 12.5 25 43.8 87.5 43.8 62.5 100 37.5 25 31.2 12.5 0 87.5 100 93.8 100 100 37.5 50 50 81.2
 4th   Cindy Middleton   Frances Williams 55.95 0.63 31.2 25 37.5 12.5 56.2 37.5 56.2 43.8 18.8 37.5 100 50 93.8 100 43.8 56.2 87.5 93.8 81.2 37.5 75
 5th   Carmel Wiseman   Peter Oeppen 54.76 0.45 31.2 50 0 100 93.8 50 18.8 93.8 18.8 68.8 87.5 100 12.5 43.8 81.2 56.2 87.5 0 81.2 25 50
 6th   Avril Thompson   Stephen Thompson 54.17 0.45 68.8 6.2 6.2 37.5 43.8 81.2 6.2 100 81.2 62.5 0 50 62.5 75 56.2 43.8 12.5 100 75 87.5 81.2
 7th   Greymeg   Thomasg84 53.57 0.32 31.2 93.8 93.8 62.5 0 68.8 18.8 18.8 75 37.5 50 87.5 12.5 75 43.8 100 25 25 50 68.8 87.5
 8th   Artro43   Linda342 52.98   100 37.5 18.8 31.2 56.2 68.8 56.2 43.8 75 37.5 25 68.8 56.2 75 81.2 75 62.5 25 50 50 18.8
 9th   Macsue   Snosrapt 52.38 0.25 68.8 6.2 6.2 12.5 81.2 6.2 43.8 56.2 81.2 87.5 25 31.2 87.5 56.2 18.8 68.8 75 37.5 100 100 50
 10th   Ian Haston   Julie Milewski 52.38 0.25 0 62.5 81.2 37.5 100 31.2 6.2 81.2 81.2 31.2 100 68.8 6.2 0 56.2 87.5 50 75 18.8 75 50
 11th   Johnwayne7   Tonycooks 49.7   31.2 93.8 93.8 62.5 56.2 18.8 93.8 18.8 18.8 100 25 0 56.2 12.5 43.8 31.2 87.5 62.5 50 87.5 0
 12th   Advanced Robot   Greatbid3 49.7   0 0 75 31.2 56.2 93.8 0 62.5 75 12.5 75 68.8 37.5 25 43.8 12.5 50 25 100 100 100
 13th   Pammot   Storeton 47.92   68.8 75 62.5 68.8 43.8 6.2 81.2 6.2 81.2 12.5 37.5 87.5 25 25 93.8 25 37.5 75 50 31.2 12.5
 14th   Advanced Robot   Dsm5 47.62   100 100 25 0 6.2 50 43.8 6.2 25 100 75 68.8 43.8 25 18.8 0 75 75 50 12.5 100
 15th   Anne-marie Pagett   Irene Delahunty 44.94   31.2 87.5 43.8 37.5 6.2 100 43.8 56.2 25 62.5 50 12.5 43.8 87.5 56.2 12.5 75 6.2 18.8 62.5 25
 16th   John Delahunty   Non Jenkin 39.88   68.8 62.5 18.8 62.5 93.8 0 56.2 75 75 0 25 31.2 75 75 6.2 0 0 62.5 0 0 50
 17th   Grshew   Tranmerer 37.2   31.2 37.5 81.2 68.8 43.8 31.2 81.2 81.2 25 0 75 100 6.2 56.2 0 43.8 12.5 6.2 0 0 0
 18th   Kath Brown   Partyman25 36.01   68.8 12.5 56.2 0 18.8 18.8 56.2 93.8 75 87.5 62.5 12.5 12.5 0 6.2 31.2 25 62.5 25 12.5 18.8

class=host-ibex_17-type-pairs-http://webutil.bridgebase.com/v2/tview.php?t=55160-1688148456 uploaded in 1 secs Uploaded on 2023-06-30 23:02:56 - CardsFile= - RankFile=#55160 Pembroke BC Open Duplicate - BWSFile=tourney=55160-1688148456-&offset=0

PairRecaps ( Open )ABCScore % mps
Aileen Neilan - Martin Neilan      C      57.440.90
Mike Baker - Peter Milewski      C      57.140.90
GRMikel - okbetsy      C      56.250.63
Cindy Middleton - Frances Williams      C      55.950.63
Carmel Wiseman - Peter Oeppen      C      54.760.45
Avril Thompson - Stephen Thompson      C      54.170.45
greymeg - thomasg84      C      53.570.32
Artro43 - Linda342      C      52.98
macsue - snosrapt      C      52.380.25
Ian Haston - Julie Milewski      C      52.380.25
johnwayne7 - TonyCooks      C      49.7
Advanced Robot - greatbid3      C      49.7
pammot - Storeton      C      47.92
Advanced Robot - dsm5      C      47.62
Anne-Marie Pagett - Irene Delahunty      C      44.94
John Delahunty - Non Jenkin      C      39.88
GRSheW - tranmerer      C      37.2
Kath Brown - partyman25      C      36.01