Judith Jury
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Division ibex_32 - Game: 2023-09-04 #9273 Pairs Bowdon Monday PDF converter         PDF converter

Rank Player Player1 Score MP2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
 1st   Chrisebr   Judith Jury 64.24 0.90 0 87.5 93.8 0 75 100 75 87.5 68.8 56.2 18.8 62.5 93.8 50 68.8 50 81.2 87.5
 2nd   Calvergirl   Sueran 64.24 0.90 68.8 87.5 37.5 68.8 50 93.8 87.5 56.2 31.2 100 37.5 87.5 81.2 81.2 31.2 50 81.2 25
 3rd   Francisvdm   Jaynevdm 61.81 0.63 37.5 37.5 37.5 31.2 50 18.8 50 100 87.5 81.2 81.2 37.5 100 12.5 68.8 100 81.2 100
 4th   Auntybee   Wieshenryk 54.86 0.63 87.5 37.5 31.2 31.2 87.5 81.2 50 0 37.5 56.2 62.5 12.5 62.5 87.5 68.8 50 81.2 62.5
 5th   Chrisltc   Pabloriig 54.51 0.45 100 87.5 12.5 87.5 6.2 43.8 50 43.8 0 100 62.5 12.5 0 87.5 93.8 100 18.8 75
 6th   Advanced Robot   Robot2 53.82 0.45                                    
 7th   Mark Gomme   Ruffstone 51.74 0.32 75 87.5 62.5 68.8 25 6.2 12.5 43.8 25 18.8 87.5 62.5 75 18.8 93.8 50 18.8 100
 8th   Lindysand   Marykerrg 51.39 0.32 68.8 87.5 100 68.8 75 93.8 12.5 56.2 62.5 43.8 81.2 37.5 6.2 50 6.2 0 18.8 56.2
 9th   Gilly7   Mandy17 50.69   68.8 87.5 6.2 100 93.8 56.2 50 56.2 0 43.8 0 87.5 25 81.2 50 50 18.8 37.5
 10th   Meenachi   Rappax12 50   31.2 12.5 62.5 31.2 6.2 43.8 100 75 100 56.2 62.5 62.5 93.8 87.5 6.2 50 18.8 0
 11th   Quarrymans   Rootyb 48.96   31.2 12.5 93.8 100 50 43.8 50 43.8 50 87.5 18.8 100 43.8 0 31.2 0 81.2 43.8
 12th   Brendashep   Ptaylor60 48.96   31.2 50 31.2 68.8 50 81.2 87.5 43.8 68.8 0 18.8 62.5 43.8 50 50 50 81.2 12.5
 13th   Cromlet12   Newton37 44.79   62.5 62.5 0 31.2 50 6.2 12.5 100 87.5 56.2 100 12.5 18.8 50 31.2 50 50 25
 14th   Marimar54   Palookasue 43.06   100 12.5 87.5 12.5 50 56.2 0 25 12.5 43.8 12.5 37.5 56.2 50 31.2 50 81.2 56.2
 15th   Pamhegs   Trearddur1 42.01   0 12.5 6.2 0 93.8 56.2 87.5 0 75 81.2 81.2 37.5 37.5 12.5 93.8 50 18.8 12.5
 16th   Chesterha   Crawfordjn 41.67   68.8 50 68.8 68.8 0 56.2 25 12.5 100 0 81.2 0 6.2 12.5 68.8 50 81.2 0
 17th   Calmonson   Shayna2 41.32   12.5 62.5 37.5 68.8 25 0 50 56.2 50 12.5 37.5 37.5 81.2 50 6.2 50 18.8 87.5
 18th   Bennettsa   Normaste 31.94   31.2 12.5 62.5 31.2 100 43.8 12.5 12.5 12.5 18.8 18.8 62.5 18.8 18.8 6.2 50 18.8 43.8

class=host-ibex_32-type-pairs-http://webutil.bridgebase.com/v2/tview.php?t=9273-1693852295 uploaded in 0 secs Uploaded on 2023-09-04 23:31:08 - CardsFile= - RankFile=#9273 Pairs Bowdon Monday - BWSFile=tourney=9273-1693852295-&offset=0

PairRecaps ( Bowdon )ABCScore % mps
ChrisEBr - Judith Jury      owdon      64.240.90
Calvergirl - Sueran      owdon      64.240.90
Francisvdm - JayneVDM      owdon      61.810.63
AuntyBee - Wieshenryk      owdon      54.860.63
chrisltc - pabloriig      owdon      54.510.45
Advanced Robot - Robot2      owdon      53.820.45
Mark Gomme - ruffstone      owdon      51.740.32
Lindysand - Marykerrg      owdon      51.390.32
gilly7 - Mandy17      owdon      50.69
Meenachi - Rappax12      owdon      50
quarrymans - Rootyb      owdon      48.96
BrendaShep - PTaylor60      owdon      48.96
Cromlet12 - Newton37      owdon      44.79
Marimar54 - palookasue      owdon      43.06
pamhegs - Trearddur1      owdon      42.01
chesterha - Crawfordjn      owdon      41.67
calmonson - Shayna2      owdon      41.32
BennettSa - Normaste      owdon      31.94