1stLiz Wright
Richard Coward
2ndGeorge Meyer
Shirley Hinton
3rdBridget Wilson
Martin Wilson
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Division ibex_31 - Game: 2023-10-12 #7223 Highgate Bridge Duplicate PDF converter         PDF converter

Rank Player Player1 Score MP2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
 1st   Liz Wright   Richard Coward 58.93 1.00 12.5 100 50 75 25 37.5 50 100 87.5 50 100 75 75 25 0 87.5 50 62.5 100 62.5 12.5
 2nd   George Meyer   Shirley Hinton 57.14 0.70 87.5 0 50 87.5 75 100 100 75 62.5 12.5 75 0 25 25 75 100 0 87.5 50 75 37.5
 3rd   Bridget Wilson   Martin Wilson 54.17 0.50 87.5 75 0 75 75 37.5 50 62.5 37.5 12.5 100 75 25 100 37.5 12.5 100 37.5 50 25 62.5
 4th   Ann Iveson   David Benson 53.57 0.35 87.5 62.5 0 12.5 100 100 50 0 0 100 50 100 75 0 62.5 0 100 12.5 50 62.5 100
 5th   Hxmayster   Peaknaze 52.98   87.5 62.5 50 25 75 62.5 0 37.5 12.5 25 75 50 25 100 100 75 75 87.5 50 37.5 0
 6th   David Booth   Ian Whitehead 48.81   12.5 25 100 12.5 25 0 100 62.5 87.5 50 0 25 100 50 37.5 50 75 100 50 0 62.5
 7th   Ros Albert   Vivienne Flower 48.21   50 100 50 87.5 0 0 50 37.5 62.5 87.5 25 100 75 0 0 12.5 50 37.5 50 100 37.5
 8th   Malcolm Terry   Tony Macintosh 47.62   50 0 50 75 25 75 50 100 100 87.5 0 25 75 75 25 25 25 12.5 0 37.5 87.5
 9th   Anthony Williams   Keith Mann 44.64   12.5 37.5 100 25 25 62.5 0 25 37.5 75 25 50 25 75 100 50 25 0 100 0 87.5
 10th   Rachel Williams   Shazza333 33.93   12.5 37.5 50 25 75 25 50 0 12.5 0 50 0 0 50 62.5 87.5 0 62.5 0 100 12.5

class=host-ibex_31-type-pairs-http://webutil.bridgebase.com/v2/tview.php?t=7223-1697133657 uploaded in 1 secs Uploaded on 2023-10-12 23:00:52 - CardsFile= - RankFile=#7223 Highgate Bridge Duplicate - BWSFile=tourney=7223-1697133657-&offset=0

PairRecaps ( Bridge )ABCScore % mps
Liz Wright - Richard Coward      ridge      58.931.00
George Meyer - Shirley Hinton      ridge      57.140.70
Bridget Wilson - Martin Wilson      ridge      54.170.50
Ann Iveson - David Benson      ridge      53.570.35
HXMayster - Peaknaze      ridge      52.98
David Booth - Ian Whitehead      ridge      48.81
Ros Albert - Vivienne Flower      ridge      48.21
Malcolm Terry - Tony Macintosh      ridge      47.62
Anthony Williams - Keith Mann      ridge      44.64
Rachel Williams - shazza333      ridge      33.93