1stAndrew Cafferky
Cilla Prescott
2ndAdvanced Robot
3rdDeb Fairweather
Linda Hitchen
   Hands/Analysis   view all photos   Normal RANK    (click on player rank to see the players`s score)

Division ibex_25 - Game: 2023-11-24 #23669 Lancashire LOP Restricted - NGS PDF converter         PDF converter

Rank Player Player1 Score MP2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
 1st   Andrew Cafferky   Cilla Prescott 59.92 1.50 71.4 21.4 42.9 100 85.7 7.1 28.6 100 50 21.4 0 50 100 100 100 28.6 78.6 92.9
 2nd   Advanced Robot   Arturix 55.95 1.05         85.7 28.6 28.6 57.1 85.7 85.7 92.9 7.1 50 64.3 78.6 92.9 100 7.1
 3rd   Deb Fairweather   Linda Hitchen 55.56 0.75 92.9 57.1 71.4 85.7 0 50 28.6 7.1 50 78.6 100 50 85.7 35.7 21.4 64.3 50 71.4
 4th   Jbanks234   Mojo69d 55.16 0.52 28.6 21.4 71.4 64.3 85.7 92.9 85.7 28.6 50 78.6 42.9 7.1 78.6 21.4 64.3 64.3 78.6 28.6
 5th   Arthur Southwood   Melba Southwood 54.76 0.28 28.6 92.9 100 28.6 57.1 28.6 71.4 0 50 85.7 42.9 92.9 14.3 85.7 21.4 92.9 0 92.9
 6th   Michael Tattersall   Sheila Fisher 54.76 0.28 57.1 71.4 71.4 28.6 35.7 50 28.6 71.4 50 100 57.1 71.4 50 35.7 35.7 57.1 71.4 42.9
 7th   Brian Frew   Jack Lowe 49.6   28.6 78.6 100 35.7 14.3 92.9 71.4 14.3 50 0 7.1 92.9 50 78.6 78.6 7.1 21.4 71.4
 8th   Christine Makinson   David Reilly 48.81   71.4 7.1 28.6 35.7 100 50 0 92.9 100 85.7 42.9 28.6 21.4 78.6 14.3 92.9 21.4 7.1
 9th   David Harris   Joyce Butterfield 48.41   71.4 78.6 28.6 14.3 64.3 7.1 71.4 28.6 0 14.3 57.1 50 85.7 78.6 0 71.4 50 100
 10th   Alan Russell   Ian Gibson 47.22   100 7.1 71.4 100 64.3 50 28.6 85.7 14.3 14.3 57.1 7.1 85.7 14.3 35.7 35.7 50 28.6
 11th   John Pingree   Ralph Jones 47.22   92.9 21.4 14.3 28.6 42.9 71.4 14.3 71.4 50 21.4 92.9 71.4 14.3 21.4 85.7 7.1 100 28.6
 12th   Paul2589   Trevor1of1 46.83   71.4 78.6 0 71.4 14.3 7.1 71.4 92.9 14.3 50 42.9 50 78.6 21.4 64.3 42.9 0 71.4
 13th   Quentin Jefferies   Sheila Jefferies 44.44   7.1 42.9 28.6 71.4 35.7 92.9 100 7.1 85.7 50 7.1 28.6 0 0 78.6 7.1 85.7 71.4
 14th   Barbara Henderson   Clive Henderson 44.44   28.6 21.4 85.7 71.4 14.3 92.9 71.4 42.9 0 50 42.9 92.9 50 21.4 21.4 7.1 28.6 57.1
 15th   Joan Cann   Joyce Truffas 43.65   0 92.9 0 64.3 14.3 71.4 28.6 57.1 50 14.3 57.1 92.9 14.3 64.3 21.4 92.9 50 0
 16th   Alan Talbot   Roy Goddard 43.25   42.9 28.6 28.6 0 85.7 7.1 71.4 42.9 100 50 57.1 7.1 21.4 78.6 78.6 35.7 14.3 28.6

class=host-ibex_25-type-pairs-http://webutil.bridgebase.com/v2/tview.php?t=23669-1700834550 uploaded in 0 secs Uploaded on 2023-11-24 18:01:01 - CardsFile= - RankFile=#23669 Lancashire LOP Restricted - NGS 10 & - BWSFile=tourney=23669-1700834550-&offset=0

PairRecaps ( NGS )ABCScore % mps
Andrew Cafferky - Cilla Prescott            59.921.50
Advanced Robot - arturix            55.951.05
Deb Fairweather - Linda Hitchen            55.560.75
jbanks234 - mojo69d            55.160.52
Arthur Southwood - Melba Southwood            54.760.28
Michael Tattersall - Sheila Fisher            54.760.28
Brian Frew - Jack Lowe            49.6
Christine Makinson - David Reilly            48.81
David Harris - Joyce Butterfield            48.41
Alan Russell - Ian Gibson            47.22
John Pingree - Ralph Jones            47.22
Paul2589 - Trevor1of1            46.83
Quentin Jefferies - Sheila Jefferies            44.44
Barbara Henderson - Clive Henderson            44.44
Joan Cann - Joyce Truffas            43.65
Alan Talbot - Roy Goddard            43.25