1stAdvanced Robot
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Division ibex_22 - Game: 2024-02-28 #66601 Pairs MEDITERRANEO PDF converter         PDF converter

Rank Player Player1 Score MP2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
 1st   Advanced Robot   Pet43 61.06 1.20 68.2 63.6 90.9 45.5 22.7 77.3 100 59.1 72.7 4.6 95.4 81.8 63.6 86.4 63.6 90.9 27.3 0 13.6 63.6 86.4 20 100 68.2
 2nd   Fruits00   Mari Rique 60.09 0.84 68.2 63.6 68.2 9.1 9.1 77.3 72.7 59.1 72.7 63.6 72.7 0 31.8 86.4 63.6 81.8 68.2 100 86.4 95.4 13.6 65 45.5 68.2
 3rd   Bsucs   Xlucaya 58.94 1.20 100 95.4 72.7 31.8 0 45.5 59.1 81.8 81.8 63.6 77.3 18.2 90.9 13.6 86.4 18.2 31.8 0 63.6 100 86.4 40 54.5 81.8
 4th   Aliki20   Oyambre2 58.07 0.84 31.8 36.4 59.1 45.5 45.5 54.5 72.7 81.8 81.8 22.7 77.3 90.9 100 54.5 68.2 90.9 54.5 22.7 86.4 36.4 13.6 80 54.5 31.8
 5th   Advanced Robot   Alifatiha 56.29 0.60 68.2 22.7 100 68.2 54.5 18.2 40.9 81.8 72.7 77.3 54.5 31.8 54.5 45.5 31.8 59.1 18.2 77.3 100 63.6 86.4 60 45.5 18.2
 6th   Palavoie   Yowayo95 54.73 0.60 31.8 36.4 9.1 68.2 100 81.8 27.3 40.9 27.3 63.6 45.5 18.2 68.2 54.5 100 90.9 13.6 63.6 45.5 77.3 13.6 100 54.5 81.8
 7th   Amallevy   Shmul50 54.43 0.42 68.2 63.6 68.2 100 86.4 18.2 27.3 18.2 18.2 36.4 54.5 81.8 81.8 13.6 13.6 100 68.2 36.4 72.7 63.6 50 20 45.5 100
 8th   Jeffydog   Max159 54.3 0.42 31.8 77.3 0 54.5 77.3 22.7 100 81.8 27.3 63.6 63.6 50 18.2 86.4 86.4 40.9 13.6 63.6 45.5 77.3 50 35 54.5 81.8
 9th   Bdarleo   Carmela135 54.09 0.24 90.9 36.4 100 90.9 90.9 22.7 90.9 81.8 27.3 22.7 45.5 68.2 36.4 13.6 36.4 40.9 54.5 36.4 86.4 4.6 86.4 80 54.5 0
 10th   Anadosar2   Margotonc 52.42 0.24 68.2 100 13.6 31.8 54.5 18.2 9.1 18.2 72.7 100 54.5 18.2 81.8 45.5 95.4 31.8 100 90.9 36.4 0 13.6 90 45.5 68.2
 11th   Divax   Ramoal 51.29   0 4.6 27.3 86.4 86.4 95.4 72.7 90.9 72.7 77.3 22.7 9.1 31.8 45.5 0 59.1 86.4 36.4 54.5 22.7 50 40 90.9 68.2
 12th   Advanced Robot   Barna58 51.14   77.3 95.4 59.1 13.6 45.5 81.8 27.3 40.9 27.3 0 45.5 81.8 45.5 54.5 68.2 9.1 72.7 100 13.6 36.4 50 0 100 81.8
 13th   Maytisb   Pilardb 50.7   31.8 36.4 86.4 90.9 77.3 36.4 81.8 0 81.8 36.4 27.3 100 18.2 54.5 4.6 40.9 81.8 22.7 86.4 36.4 13.6 35 54.5 81.8
 14th   Advanced Robot   Minus4000 50.06   68.2 63.6 13.6 9.1 54.5 95.4 40.9 18.2 18.2 90.9 81.8 31.8 81.8 45.5 63.6 9.1 45.5 77.3 54.5 22.7 86.4 65 45.5 18.2
 15th   Popochera   Salome3 48.43   31.8 36.4 31.8 0 13.6 81.8 27.3 9.1 27.3 95.4 100 18.2 18.2 54.5 36.4 90.9 54.5 63.6 86.4 77.3 86.4 35 54.5 31.8
 16th   Anai2   Congrosel 48.3   68.2 63.6 68.2 54.5 54.5 45.5 72.7 59.1 72.7 36.4 36.4 50 18.2 86.4 63.6 31.8 0 36.4 13.6 95.4 13.6 100 0 18.2
 17th   Advanced Robot   Asgeir1234 48.16   68.2 63.6 40.9 31.8 0 18.2 0 18.2 72.7 36.4 95.4 50 100 0 63.6 59.1 45.5 63.6 86.4 63.6 50 65 45.5 18.2
 18th   Anacardoxx   Tg48 45.87   31.8 36.4 31.8 68.2 45.5 81.8 59.1 18.2 27.3 95.4 4.6 18.2 0 100 36.4 68.2 100 63.6 27.3 36.4 50 60 9.1 31.8
 19th   Burguiva   Maituca1 43.62   22.7 22.7 68.2 68.2 100 54.5 72.7 18.2 18.2 4.6 0 81.8 0 45.5 31.8 9.1 86.4 36.4 54.5 22.7 50 65 45.5 68.2
 20th   Ana3110   Mdsonet75 41.97   77.3 77.3 31.8 90.9 45.5 4.6 27.3 40.9 81.8 63.6 90.9 18.2 68.2 13.6 36.4 68.2 0 9.1 0 36.4 13.6 80 0 31.8
 21st   Jordimd9   Ramon53 41.14   31.8 36.4 31.8 13.6 13.6 4.6 27.3 81.8 81.8 9.1 18.2 68.2 54.5 86.4 4.6 40.9 90.9 90.9 13.6 4.6 86.4 10 54.5 31.8
 22nd   Advanced Robot   Puridiaz 41.04   31.8 0 86.4 31.8 45.5 81.8 0 40.9 27.3 63.6 4.6 50 81.8 13.6 36.4 0 31.8 63.6 45.5 77.3 50 35 54.5 31.8
 23rd   2wisky   Advanced Robot 38.64   22.7 4.6 40.9 9.1 22.7 63.6 72.7 59.1 18.2 36.4 22.7 81.8 45.5 13.6 95.4 9.1 45.5 36.4 13.6 63.6 86.4 0 45.5 18.2
 24th   Litaabuela   Nonessa 36.06   9.1 63.6 0 86.4 54.5 18.2 18.2 100 18.2 36.4 9.1 81.8 9.1 86.4 13.6 59.1 9.1 9.1 13.6 22.7 13.6 20 45.5 68.2

class=host-ibex_22-type-pairs-http://webutil.bridgebase.com/v2/tview.php?t=66601-1709136324 uploaded in 1 secs Uploaded on 2024-02-28 20:01:35 - CardsFile= - RankFile=#66601 Pairs MEDITERRANEO - BWSFile=tourney=66601-1709136324-&offset=0

PairRecaps ( Pairs )ABCScore % mps
Advanced Robot - Pet43            61.061.20
fruits00 - MARI RIQUE            60.090.84
bsucs - xlucaya            58.941.20
aliki20 - oyambre2            58.070.84
Advanced Robot - Alifatiha            56.290.60
palavoie - yowayo95            54.730.60
Amallevy - SHMUL50            54.430.42
jeffydog - max159            54.30.42
bdarleo - carmela135            54.090.24
anadosar2 - margotonc            52.420.24
divax - ramoal            51.29
Advanced Robot - barna58            51.14
maytisb - pilardb            50.7
Advanced Robot - Minus4000            50.06
popochera - salome3            48.43
anai2 - congrosel            48.3
Advanced Robot - Asgeir1234            48.16
anacardoxx - Tg48            45.87
burguiva - Maituca1            43.62
ana3110 - mdsonet75            41.97
jordimd9 - ramon53            41.14
Advanced Robot - puridiaz            41.04
2wisky - Advanced Robot            38.64
litaabuela - nonessa            36.06