1stAdvanced Robot
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Division ibex_22 - Game: 2024-05-03 #20336 Pairs MEDITERRANEO PDF converter         PDF converter

Rank Player Player1 Score MP2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
 1st   Advanced Robot   Cphsig01 67.29 1.10 75 15 10 75 55 100 70 85 75 95 0 75 90 100 100 85 65 20 65 75 80 15 90 100
 2nd   Karbanice   Pet43 65.42 1.10 25 85 90 100 100 35 85 80 90 45 70 100 90 25 85 65 35 40 35 25 75 55 45 90
 3rd   Alberto222   Julia11111 61.88 0.77 95 80 75 75 55 30 100 65 40 10 60 75 100 40 90 35 65 60 100 100 5 70 15 45
 4th   Congrosel   Fruits00 60.83 0.77 80 0 90 70 45 90 70 80 60 90 40 80 60 80 20 15 35 80 80 65 75 55 10 90
 5th   Advanced Robot   Bulge999 57.29 0.55 45 50 60 70 70 70 30 15 25 45 80 55 100 25 100 40 80 80 80 25 60 30 85 55
 6th   Advanced Robot   Barna58 55 0.55 35 80 75 75 95 65 45 100 95 55 30 0 40 75 50 60 20 20 20 35 65 85 55 45
 7th   Asuperaba   Lcj 54.58 0.39 5 20 25 70 80 100 55 80 90 45 90 80 60 80 50 15 35 40 35 25 20 55 85 70
 8th   Canela 19   Juno 24 52.29 0.39 55 50 40 30 55 65 90 45 95 10 60 20 40 20 50 85 100 100 65 5 65 85 15 10
 9th   Emparav   Magda2207 50.62   95 80 75 30 55 10 45 20 10 55 60 100 40 0 50 0 90 90 65 35 100 45 55 10
 10th   Jordimd9   Ramon53 50.42   45 85 50 25 5 35 85 35 25 90 40 25 60 80 85 100 10 10 10 25 95 15 85 90
 11th   Divax   Popochera 50   100 100 25 70 45 35 100 15 60 5 100 25 25 25 50 15 80 80 80 65 35 0 45 20
 12th   Advanced Robot   Marcan11 49.17   65 20 25 70 5 35 0 35 60 45 5 25 60 100 50 65 60 80 35 95 35 85 85 40
 13th   Mari Rique   Mdom45 48.96   10 50 10 30 95 65 15 65 75 95 60 20 10 75 15 35 20 60 20 75 40 100 55 80
 14th   Maituca1   Teremu 47.92   0 0 75 75 80 90 30 20 40 55 10 20 75 50 50 35 40 20 90 75 5 45 90 80
 15th   123ri   Advanced Robot 47.29   65 50 70 25 45 0 20 55 40 90 40 55 60 25 50 65 80 40 0 0   100 45 20
 16th   Advanced Robot   Puridiaz 46.88   75 30 100 0 0 65 80 45 60 55 20 45 75 75 50 35 65 80 20 35 25 45 15 30
 17th   Parraguesa   Sofis81 46.25   35 50 30 30 30 30 0 85 40 55 95 75 40 20 80 85 65 60 20 5 90 15 15 60
 18th   2wisky   Advanced Robot 46.04   90 50 90 25 45 70 40 100 90 45 40 0 25 50 50 15 0 0 80 95 10 85 10 0
 19th   Advanced Robot   Annadei52 40.21   25 70 0 0 90 70 55 0 5 5 40 80 0 60 10 90 100 80 35 65 0 55 10 20
 20th   Lychi55   Tg48 36.67   20 100 10 30 20 0 60 0 10 55 95 75 40 20 15 10 0 20 65 75 25 0 55 80
 21st   Advanced Robot   Juajua1 36.25   55 15 50 100 10 30 15 20 10 10 60 45 0 75 0 85 20 20 20 35 50 45 90 10
 22nd   Despujol   Wopes 28.75   5 20 25 25 20 10 10 55 5 45 5 25 10 0 0 65 35 20 80 65 50 15 45 55

class=host-ibex_22-type-pairs-http://webutil.bridgebase.com/v2/tview.php?t=20336-1714748768 uploaded in 1 secs Uploaded on 2024-05-03 20:01:32 - CardsFile= - RankFile=#20336 Pairs MEDITERRANEO - BWSFile=tourney=20336-1714748768-&offset=0

PairRecaps ( Pairs )ABCScore % mps
Advanced Robot - cphsig01            67.291.10
karbanice - Pet43            65.421.10
alberto222 - julia11111            61.880.77
congrosel - fruits00            60.830.77
Advanced Robot - bulge999            57.290.55
Advanced Robot - barna58            550.55
asuperaba - LCJ            54.580.39
canela 19 - juno 24            52.290.39
Emparav - magda2207            50.62
jordimd9 - ramon53            50.42
divax - popochera            50
Advanced Robot - marcan11            49.17
mari rique - Mdom45            48.96
maituca1 - teremu            47.92
123ri - Advanced Robot            47.29
Advanced Robot - puridiaz            46.88
PARRAGUESA - sofis81            46.25
2wisky - Advanced Robot            46.04
Advanced Robot - annadei52            40.21
lychi55 - tg48            36.67
Advanced Robot - juajua1            36.25
despujol - wopes            28.75